Sunday, May 1, 2011


We just beat the rain into Fuenterroble. Rang the bell at a Casa Rural on the way into town, luckily a lady in a car directed us to house in the street behind, where we found the owner and organised a great room in a lovely house with kitchen, lounge room and big tv to watch the boda real (royal wedding). Well, Spanish equivalent of the Today Show making fun of it. They seemed interested in Julia Gillard when she walked in.
Susan and Betty Jean came in soaked, they had encountered hail.
We found the bar, and warmed up a bit. Very small town, very small shop, young guy offered to let us use his internet, but storm had knocked out the connection. Had dinner in a bar restaurant showing a very grotesque bull fight. The Austrian and German/American were getting into it and cheering in all the same places as the Spanish.
Bernard has information about a bus to Salamanca tomorrow. We are tempted, but in the morning the cloud is high, it is very cold, but we decide to walk the 30km to San Pedro.
The walk starts out great, through nice countryside. After 10km we go left up a hill, toward wind turbines. Sure enough the track takes up right up to the wind turbines. Not much wind today fortunately. We walk down again, then on the road for a while. We go past a farm with big ranch gate and nice fences. I think this is the home for fighting bulls before they go to Salamanca for their big day out. We pace ourselves in 10km stretches. The last 10km are good, through barley fields, over a hill just behind a big thunderstorm. We were expecting to get rained on any minute, but it is just in front of us. We reach San Pedro and stay in a very comfortable Casa Rural. Very friendly owners, and their early twenties sons and daughters. One daughter organises internet for us, one son is bull fighter, and one son is going to be on TV tomorrow at 4pm is some reality show. We have a lovely dinner with Canadians, Germans and Italians, and watch Real Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia all lose their league matches.

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